Old Dog Tries 3D Printing !
Well, it seems you CAN teach an old dog new tricks... !! and we hope the outcome will bring some different items at better market prices for you.
We decided to take good advice from our printing buddy at Woofoo Workshop who are masters in delivering some amazing fantasy terrain buildings at the very best quality . It resulted in us investing some time and cash in our own FDM printing set up, with a high quality Prusa printer and using quality eco-friendly filament.
What it allows us to do is firstly spend more time fiddling with different design ideas but also then deliver the final product at the best prices. Seems to us that people are asking quite high prices for 3D printed items when, we know most people want to build a whole scenic layout as quickly as possible and within a sensible budget.
And being on premises, it also allows us to respond more quickly to customer orders.
So hopefully you'll see results starting to come on stream but it is fitting we are kicking off our printing output with the creation of the great Dwarven Hallways system that we've wanted to deliver as the iconic setting for our Battle of The Mines theme ...
Our Dwarven Archway is a stunning centrepiece that we've worked on to give maximum value and impact .
We were able to tweak the product to what we feel is the right size and turn around trial pieces so much more quickly.
And the same applies to Historical Terrain too..
It was one of our customers, Tim Murphy, who helped us trail the idea of a Thatched Roof conversion for the Farm Buildings offered by Reconquer Designs .. so , now, we can offer a unique 2-in-1 version that means you can use the buildings in more than one scenario - adding to the value ...
Tim uses his set for Medieval European battles but then in thatched mode for his Borders campaigns ..
More ideas from customers welcome !